October 18, 2016

Thanks for the support!

Tomorrow we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program (i.e., how to build the confidence necessary to have a proper Why Conversation) but first...

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who shared links to Ditching Hourly yesterday :)


In the first 24 hours, the podcast had 700+ listens which I think is a respectable start.

If you haven’t had a chance to let your friends know about the show yet, here are some of my fave tweets from yesterday for inspiration:

Highly recommended for #freelance and #consultant business owners looking to build a better, more profitable biz http://www.ditchinghourly.com/

Trying to wrap your head around thinking and pricing like a consultant? @jonathanstark has a fantastic new podcast http://www.ditchinghourly.com/

Awesome new podcast #DitchingHourly by @jonathanstark! Sub here: http://www.ditchinghourly.com/ and start your journey to value pricing

BTW - If you listen to Ditching Hourly and like what you hear, please consider rating/reviewing in iTunes. This is especially important in the first few weeks because it can push the show into the New & Noteworthy category. TIA! Here’s the iTunes link:


Okay, I’ll shut up about the podcast now :)

Tomorrow I’ll begin talking about how to decrease the impact of a prospect not hiring you because of your Why Conversation.


